This is one of those weird old shows that ended 11 years before I was born...and yet I have memories of watching it as a child. Clearly they were reruns, but I just can't place them in the timeline of my life.
So...excuse me when I say that "it doesn't age well."
And when I say that I mean that it doesn't make that transition between liking it as a child to liking it as an adult. Not 1968 to when I watched it as a little kid.
When I was a child I liked the humor...now that I am older I sort of feel that it needed to pick a direction. Be a Sean Connery Bond or be a Roger Moore Bond, but don't try and be both.
Still, it does entertain, and that was the point of making it. Plus, I loved it when I was little so, 10 of 10. The only c...