May I Help You?

  • Drama


Baek Dong Joo, a newly hired funeral director, has the uncanny gift, or curse, to momentarily resurrect and talk to the recently deceased. She has to grant their last wishes or have her days be filled with a series of bad luck and accidents. And helping the little boy that first terrified her when he came to life will lead her down a path she never could have expected. Kim Tae Hee works as a man for hire. Employed by his uncle Vincent running the newly opened errand service company “A Dime A Job” he can be hired for any odd (but legal) task. One day, Kim Tae Hee encounters Baek Dong Joo, when he is hired by her boyfriend to break up with her in his stead. After that, their paths continue to cross, and by the virtue of their jobs, their fates get intertwined deeper and deeper in a series of life and death situations, surrounding the wishes of the people who had died, and the painful past it is going to unravel for both of them.




    • YourOnlyOne

      At first, one would think it is just another comedy, feel good, very fictional, TV series. It was easy to drop it just because. But, a fair warning, doing so would be to your detriment. This series is about life, the value of relationships, and yes, what death means for you and me.

      The story transcends faith and religion. This was beautifully depicted with the Catholic priest and the Catholic confessional box; as well as, by the Buddhism beliefs of the other characters. Life, relationships, and death, are universal, and commonly have the same depth of meaning regardless of ones faith and religion.

      It is not about ghosts. In fact, there is nothing paranormal in the story, rather, it is more supernatural. A higher being supernaturally a...

      December 24, 2022
