My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999, (Yamada-kun to Lv999 no koi wu Suru), is a Slice of Life series based around a college girl, Akane Kinoshita, who was just dumped by her long-time gamer boyfriend. In an attempt to make her ex-boyfriend see what he has lost in dumping her, our protagonist botches the attempt royally only to meet, through an accident, a very low-key good-looking guy, Akito Yamada, offering her a lost shoe from her tripping to the ground. It turns out the young man's slow mannerisms remind Akane of one of her online game's guild members. She calls out to him in his online character's name, he turns to ask who she might be, and that's where our story begins.
This series is okay. It is not a letdown in the comedic...