The Veil

  • Drama
  • Crime

Behind every lie is a truth waiting to be told.

Two women play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. In the shadows, mission controllers at the CIA and French DGSE must put differences aside and work together to avert potential disaster.




  • MovieGuys

    Pretentiously self indulgent and on a certain level disingenuous, if not delusional, The Veil, is well named.

    The opening see's our heroine, armed with a truly God awful, fake English, accent, (not so well received pronunciation anyone?) engineer the arrest of a villain. It doesn't get any better from there I'm afraid, with an almost lynching at a refugee camp, on the Syrian border the next "fun experience", for the unfortunate viewer.

    The overriding feeling this series gives off is the by now impossible to sustain fiction, that the West are the "good guys. " Sorry but that ain't the case, the veil has been well and truly lifted on that one. The US and UK establishments, in particular, can only be described as warmongers on the worl...

    April 30, 2024


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