Be My Boyfriend

  • Comedy
  • Drama


Be My Boyfriend, a spin-off of the popular web series, Best Mistake, depicts the story of Lee Seung Min, a boy with zero presence who is offered a contract relationship by Oh Ji Na, the best girl-crush idol trainee in the school.




  • ParkMin

    Due to the striking and unmatched popularity and brilliance of the original series, this spinoff was birthed, challenging its creators on a hasty race to attempt to top and dethrone its predecessor. An impossible challenge in hindsight, but through sheer perseverance, talent and hard-work, they managed to create this unrivaled anomaly, breaking all kinds of traditional convictions in its way and setting the bar on an unprecedented level, a new standard to be inspired by. This drama is a worthy celebration of true human ingenuity and artistry. It makes me wonder what humans will achieve next?

    March 25, 2024


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