My Senpai Is Annoying

  • Animation
  • Comedy
  • Drama


Futuba Igarashi's new job would be great if her senpai, Harumi Takeda, wasn't so incredibly annoying! Futuba hates his laugh, she hates how big he is, and she really hates that he treats her like a little kid. Just because Futuba is short and looks young doesn't make her a kid, and just because she spends so much time with Takeda doesn't mean she sees him as anything but an annoying senpai...or does she?!




  • DallasBob

    This anime, My Senpai Is Annoying (Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi) is not bad. In fact, it is the second anime that I have seen that has a tsundere theme with romantic overtures. Let's be totally clear. This IS NOT the type of anime I usually look up for viewing. (Which is really odd...???...I can't remember how I came to watching this...hmmm.)

    At any rate, this anime is what is called "a slice of life" I believe. It follows every day life and interactions of everyday people. In most of these cases, it happens to be young adults. This title deals with a woman who is little more than a midget trying to get her boss, and others in general, to see her as an adult rather than treating her like the small flower she appe...

    June 25, 2022


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