
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Action & Adventure
  • Drama


When strange anomalies start to appear all over England, Professor Cutter and his team must track down and capture all sorts of dangerous prehistoric creatures from Earth's distant past and near future.




  • narrator56

    This review is about series 1. I expect someday I will return and do an update after I rewatch the subsequent four seasons.

    I was not one of those kids who grew up liking all things dinosaur. I guess I was more into DC comic book heroes. But I began to appreciate dinosaurs when the Jurassic Park series of movies came along, where the stories were excellent and the dinosaurs looked and acted more real.

    I have also always enjoyed time travel stories, and in a way, this show combines those two sci-fi sub-genres. It seemed like a good fit for me, and indeed, I enjoyed series one overall. There are plenty of tense moments, realistic creatures, and bits of wit and humor sprinkled throughout. I especially appreciated Ben Millers portrayal of...

    December 9, 2021


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