- Orb: On the Movements of the Earth2024
- Animation
- Drama
- Medici: Masters of Florence2016
- Drama
- War & Politics
- The Borgias2011
- Drama
- Crime
- Da Vinci's Demons2013
- Drama
- Leonardo2021
- Drama
- Crime
- Borgia2011
- Action & Adventure
- Drama
- Crime
- Isabel2012
- Drama
- Becoming Elizabeth2022
- Drama
- The Real War of Thrones2017
- Documentary
- War & Politics
- Carlos, rey emperador2015
- Drama
- The Physician of a Dying Time1984
- Drama
- The Borgias or the golden blood1977
- Drama
- Vita di Michelangelo1964
- Drama
- The Life of Leonardo da Vinci1971
- Documentary
- Drama
- Ren Faire2024
- Documentary
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Królowa Bona1980
- Drama
- The Borgias1981
- Drama
- Art of the Western World
- Documentary
- Der Luther-Code2017
- Documentary
- Renesančné Slovensko2022
- Documentary