- Generation War2013
- War & Politics
- Drama
- Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow1996
- Documentary
- The Life of Klim Samgin1988
- War & Politics
- Drama
- Russia Is Young1984
- War & Politics
- Action & Adventure
- Drama
- A Young Doctor's Notebook2012
- Comedy
- Drama
- Young Catherine1991
- Drama
- War & Politics
- A History of Antisemitism2022
- Documentary
- The Fall of the Empire2005
- Drama
- Секретная служба Его Величества2006
- Action & Adventure
- War & Politics
- Mystery
- Crime
- Ugryum-River1969
- Drama
- Moskaus Imperium: Alter Traum von Macht und Stärke2017
- Documentary
- Russia's History Revealed2013
- Documentary
- Die Dämonen1977
- Action & Adventure
- Drama
- История русского танка2019
- Documentary
- War & Politics
- Red Chapters1999
- Documentary