Place of Birth
Glentogher, Donegal, Ireland

Ruth McGill



Ruth McGill is an actress, singer, and singing coach from Done­gal. She grad­u­ated with a BA in Act­ing Stud­ies from the Samuel Beck­ett Cen­tre, Trin­ity Col­lege Dublin. She is cur­rently star­ring in The Bor­row­ers at the Gate Theatre. She also recently played the role of Kate there, in the Gate’s crit­i­cally acclaimed pro­duc­tion of Danc­ing at Lugh­nasa, directed by Car­o­line Byrne. Her the­atre cred­its include per­for­mances in Fur­ni­ture (Druid The­atre Com­pany); Assas­sins, The Con­stant Wife, Romeo and Juliet, The Three­penny Opera, and Sweeney Todd (Gate The­atre); Let th...

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