- Australia2008
- Adventure
- Romance
- Drama
- Hang 'em High1968
- Western
- The Far Country1954
- Western
- Red River1948
- Western
- City Slickers1991
- Comedy
- Western
- Chisum1970
- Western
- The Cowboys1972
- Western
- Adventure
- Drama
- Action
- The Tall Men1955
- Western
- Adventure
- Romance
- Comes a Horseman1978
- Western
- Drama
- Romance
- Cowboy1958
- Western
- Blood on the Moon1948
- Western
- Romance
- Pocket Money1972
- Comedy
- Western
- Adventure
- The Cariboo Trail1950
- Western
- Cattle Drive1951
- Western
- Tension at Table Rock1956
- Western
- Drama
- Fighting Man of the Plains1949
- Action
- Romance
- Western
- Cast a Long Shadow1959
- Western
- Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory1952
- Western
- Song of Old Wyoming1945
- Western
- Music
- The Showdown1950
- Mystery
- Western