- The Cabin in the Woods2012
- Horror
- Mystery
- Return of the Living Dead III1993
- Horror
- Romance
- Three Steps Above Heaven2010
- Romance
- Drama
- Rabid2019
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The Taking of Pelham 1 2 32009
- Crime
- Thriller
- Action
- Rabid1977
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Bangalore Days2014
- Drama
- Family
- Romance
- I'm Not There2007
- Drama
- Music
- Three Steps Over Heaven2004
- Drama
- Romance
- Black Dog1998
- Action
- Road2014
- Documentary
- The Stepford Children1987
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- Rookie2021
- Drama
- The Return1966
- Drama
- The Coolangatta Gold1984
- Drama
- Whatever You Can Spare1979
- Drama
- Sidecar Racers1975
- Drama
- Cesta za snem a bezvědomím2023
- Documentary
- Ghost Story2003
- Horror
- Wanted: Good Looking Receptionist and Messenger with His Own Motorcycle1977
- Comedy