- 8 Mile2002
- Drama
- Music
- Monster's Ball2001
- Drama
- Romance
- Towelhead2008
- Drama
- Hollywood Shuffle1987
- Comedy
- Asphalt Tango1996
- Comedy
- Drama
- Ethnic Notions1986
- Documentary
- I'm Through with White Girls2007
- Comedy
- Romance
- Shuffle Off to Buffalo1933
- Animation
- Comedy
- Doin' Time1985
- Comedy
- Santa's Surprise1947
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- My Pastor Among the Thais1983
- Comedy
- Disco Beaver from Outer Space1979
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- The Orange Child2021
- Drama
- Journey to the West2015
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Stolen Ground1993
- Documentary
- Verdacht2018
- Documentary
- If These Halls Could Talk2014
- Documentary