- The Brutalist2024
- Drama
- Unbreakable2000
- Thriller
- Drama
- Mystery
- Hugo2011
- Adventure
- Drama
- Family
- Riders of Justice2020
- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Invisible Man1933
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Runaway Train1985
- Action
- Thriller
- Drama
- Adventure
- Metro2013
- Action
- Thriller
- Rails & Ties2007
- Drama
- The Hurricane Express1932
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Crime
- Action
- Ghost Train2006
- Horror
- Housekeeping1987
- Comedy
- Drama
- Off the Rails2017
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- An Hour and a Half2012
- Drama
- TGV, génie français du rail2022
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- The View from Greenhaven2008
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Spains Worst Rail Disaster2013
- Documentary
- 30 Years and 15 Minutes2020
- Documentary
- Animation
- 1917, The Train from Hell2019
- Documentary
- History
- Au cœur de Mégantic2023
- Documentary
- Klockan på Rönneberga1944
- Drama