- Gangs of New York2002
- Drama
- History
- Crime
- Delicatessen1991
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Girl with a Pearl Earring2003
- Drama
- Romance
- Butchers2020
- Horror
- The Midnight Meat Train2008
- Horror
- Mystery
- Fantasy
- Borderland2007
- Crime
- Horror
- Thriller
- Fast Food Nation2006
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Green Butchers2003
- Comedy
- Marty1955
- Drama
- Romance
- Blood Diner1987
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Butcher's Wife1991
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Romance
- So I Married an Axe Murderer1993
- Comedy
- Crime
- Romance
- The Butcher1970
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse2005
- Horror
- Comedy
- Blood of the Beasts1949
- Documentary
- Eyes Wide Open2009
- Romance
- Drama
- Two Heads Creek2019
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Cannibal Man1972
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Northerners1992
- Comedy
- Drama
- Butcher2025
- Drama
- Thriller