- Bee Movie2007
- Family
- Animation
- Adventure
- Comedy
- My Girl1991
- Comedy
- Drama
- Honeyland2019
- Documentary
- Mysterious Island1961
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- The Spirit of the Beehive1973
- Drama
- Fantasy
- More Than Honey2012
- Documentary
- The Beekeeper1986
- Drama
- Tee for Two1945
- Animation
- Comedy
- The Deadly Bees1966
- Horror
- Thriller
- Queen of the Sun2010
- Documentary
- The Keeper of the Bees1935
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- Honeyland1935
- Animation
- Family
- Honey Hunters2016
- Documentary
- La Colmena2022
- Horror
- Aufzucht von Bienenköniginnen1992
- Documentary
- A Good Scout1922
- Comedy
- Adventure