- Wolfs2024
- Comedy
- Action
- Crime
- Perfume: The Story of a Murderer2006
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Commando1985
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Django1966
- Action
- Western
- Four Weddings and a Funeral1994
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- As Good as It Gets1997
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Conan the Destroyer1984
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- The Tin Drum1979
- Drama
- History
- War
- Lars and the Real Girl2007
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Rushmore1998
- Comedy
- Drama
- The Taming of the Scoundrel1980
- Comedy
- Brick2006
- Drama
- Mystery
- Monsieur Hulot's Holiday1953
- Comedy
- The Killer Condom1996
- Comedy
- Horror
- Dark Horse2005
- Comedy
- Drama
- Passport to Suez1943
- Comedy
- Crime
- Thriller
- One Dangerous Night1943
- Crime
- Mystery
- Secrets of the Lone Wolf1941
- Crime
- Mystery
- Romance
- The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt1939
- Mystery
- Comedy
- The Lone Wolf in Paris1938
- Mystery