- The Secret World of Arrietty2010
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Family
- Bad Santa2003
- Drama
- Comedy
- Crime
- The Borrowers1997
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- Comedy
- Family
- Raiders of the Sun1992
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Westward the Women1951
- Adventure
- Drama
- Western
- Isle of the Snake People1971
- Horror
- Big Money Rustlas2010
- Action
- Comedy
- Western
- Prisoners of the Lost Universe1983
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Dead and Deader2006
- Horror
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- The Borrowers2011
- Family
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- TV Movie
- Machete Maidens Unleashed!2010
- Documentary
- The Terror of Tiny Town1938
- Western
- Comedy
- Music
- The Impossible Kid1982
- Crime
- Comedy
- Action
- The Champions of Justice1971
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- It's a Small World1950
- Drama
- Outlaw of Gor1988
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Fantasy
- Penitentiary III1987
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Three Wise Fools1946
- Comedy
- Drama
- Pasukob2007
- Comedy
- Dwarves Kingdom2015
- Documentary