- Hocus Pocus 22022
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Family
- Hocus Pocus1993
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Family
- All Fun and Games2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Crucible1996
- Drama
- History
- The Lords of Salem2013
- Horror
- Thriller
- Salem Witch Trials2002
- Drama
- History
- TV Movie
- The Witches of Salem1957
- Drama
- History
- The Crucible1967
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Bewitched Housewives2007
- Comedy
- Three Sovereigns for Sarah1985
- History
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Burned at the Stake1981
- Horror
- Thriller
- Hocus Pocus 3
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Las brujas de Salem1965
- Drama
- History
- TV Movie
- Puritan Passions1923
- Drama
- Mass Hysteria2019
- Horror
- Comedy
- Return To Salem's Cove2017
- Horror