- The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)2011
- Drama
- Horror
- Crime
- Dirty Grandpa2016
- Comedy
- Ranma ½: The Movie — The Battle of Nekonron: The Fight to Break the Rules!1991
- Animation
- Comedy
- Action
- Romance
- Bad Santa 22016
- Comedy
- Crime
- Mystery
- HK: Forbidden Super Hero2013
- Action
- Comedy
- The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave1971
- Mystery
- Horror
- Thriller
- Feed2005
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Tokyo Train Girls 2: Supervixen2008
- Drama
- Hide and Seek2013
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Paranoid2000
- Horror
- Crime
- Thriller
- Disgruntled Employee2012
- Horror
- Eyes Behind the Wall1977
- Thriller
- Horror
- Prevertere2013
- Drama
- Mayhem Motel2001
- Horror
- Sex Pervert Kills A Sasquach2023
- Horror
- Pervert Boy2016
- Crime
- Drama
- Eye for an Eye2024
- Drama
- Romance