- Knight and Day2010
- Action
- Comedy
- Requiem for a Dream2000
- Crime
- Drama
- Martha Marcy May Marlene2011
- Drama
- Thriller
- Captivity2007
- Crime
- Horror
- Thriller
- Upstream Color2013
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Beyond the Black Rainbow2010
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Mystery
- The Perfect Host2010
- Comedy
- Thriller
- Crime
- Chemical Submission: For Shame to Change Sides2025
- Documentary
- Crime
- Drama
- LSD Flesh of Devil1967
- Crime
- Action
- The Stranger Inside2016
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- The Ultimate Degenerate1969
- Horror
- Thriller
- Run2017
- Drama
- Thriller
- Hi-Jacked1950
- Crime
- Drama
- Devil's Advocate?1999
- Documentary
- Laced2022
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Depraved2019
- Thriller
- Horror
- Ryan's Babe2000
- Adventure
- Cargo of Love1968
- Drama
- Scream Free!1969
- Action
- Crime
- Bodhai Yeri Budhi Maari2019
- Drama
- Thriller