- Private Property1960
- Thriller
- New York Ninja2021
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Night of the Party1934
- Thriller
- Crime
- Mystery
- What's Love1987
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Leonard Cohen: Bird on a Wire2010
- Music
- Documentary
- The Sex Serum of Dr. Blake1970
- Horror
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Sherlock Holmes1922
- Drama
- Mystery
- The Victory of Faith1933
- Documentary
- Sherlock Holmes1916
- Mystery
- Crime
- Buffalo Rider1976
- Adventure
- Western
- Drama
- The Intruder1975
- Horror
- The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle1972
- Music
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Family
- Horror
- Anniversary of the Revolution1918
- Documentary
- History
- Deep Inside1967
- Drama
- Romance
- Thriller
- Beware the Black Widow1968
- Crime
- Horror
- Thriller
- Violated!1973
- Thriller
- Drama
- Horror
- The Daughter of Dawn1920
- Western
- Drama
- Romance
- Last of the American Hoboes1967
- Documentary
- Drama
- Horror
- The Suicide1978
- Drama
- Miss Leslie's Dolls1973
- Crime
- Drama
- Horror