- The Brutalist2024
- Drama
- 272023
- Animation
- Fourth Dimension2023
- Science Fiction
- Snow White1984
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Chuchotage2018
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Flight from Vienna1956
- Drama
- Necropolis1998
- Drama
- Well of Silence2007
- History
- Drama
- The Treasure of Swamp Castle1985
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Strudel Sisters2016
- Documentary
- In memoriam Hajnóczy Péter1985
- Documentary
- Drama
- Hűség2022
- Documentary
- Drama
- 20 Years on the A38 Ship2023
- Documentary
- Egérút1999
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Egy különc úr naplójából1972
- Animation