- Butterfly Tale2023
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies2009
- Documentary
- In the Heart2015
- Drama
- The Legend of Silk1951
- Animation
- Sex, Lies and Butterflies2018
- Documentary
- Where The Butterflies Go2022
- Comedy
- Documentary
- A Seaside Story1986
- Comedy
- Drama
- Oh butterfly, what dou you dream of when you flap your wings?2020
- Documentary
- Give Me a Sign2021
- Comedy
- Drama
- 12th Warrior2011
- Documentary
- My Neighbor Wants Me Dead2019
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Horror
- The Guardians2018
- Documentary
- Cocoon2021
- Drama
- biopixels
- Documentary
- The Meaning of Style2012
- Pursuing the Monarchs2017
- Documentary