- Beowulf2007
- Adventure
- Action
- Animation
- Tristan & Isolde2006
- Drama
- Romance
- Beowulf & Grendel2005
- Action
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Lancelot of the Lake1974
- Drama
- Romance
- History
- A Kid in King Arthur's Court1995
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Family
- Dragonslayer1981
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Muhammad: The Messenger of God2015
- History
- Drama
- Unidentified Flying Oddball1979
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Family
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court1949
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Music
- A Connecticut Yankee1931
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- The Fight for Rome1968
- Adventure
- Drama
- History
- Sword of the Conqueror1961
- History
- Adventure
- Fury of the Pagans1960
- Adventure
- Action