- Bob Marley: One Love2024
- Music
- History
- Drama
- The Smoke Master2023
- Action
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- The Change-Up2011
- Comedy
- Grandma's Boy2006
- Comedy
- The Wash2001
- Action
- Comedy
- A Guy Thing2003
- Comedy
- Romance
- Crash Pad2017
- Comedy
- What We Found2020
- Thriller
- Never Goin' Back2018
- Comedy
- Kid Cannabis2014
- Drama
- Bong of the Living Dead2017
- Horror
- Comedy
- Evil Bong2006
- Comedy
- Horror
- Evil Bong 888: Infinity High2024
- Comedy
- Horror
- BRUTUS2024
- Animation
- Comedy
- Neet Generation2025
- High There2015
- Documentary
- WEED1971
- Documentary
- Blood Demons2024
- Horror
- Crime
- Don't Get Caught2018
- Comedy
- Action
- Joint Venture2024
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Fantasy