- Requiem for a Dream2000
- Crime
- Drama
- Martyrs2008
- Horror
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Card Counter2021
- Drama
- Thriller
- Crime
- Daughters2024
- Documentary
- Bathory: Countess of Blood2008
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Twenty2023
- Documentary
- Never Heard2018
- Drama
- Family
- To Be2020
- Documentary
- Frances Ferguson2019
- Comedy
- Turned Out: Sexual Assault Behind Bars2004
- Documentary
- Crime
- Jelly Roll: Save Me2023
- Documentary
- Music
- TV Movie
- The Big House1930
- Crime
- Drama
- Concrete Night2013
- Drama
- True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality2019
- Documentary
- Cyanide2013
- Drama
- Preschool to Prison2023
- Documentary
- Farther and Sun: A Dyslexic Road Trip2018
- Documentary
- The Bird Who Could Fly2017
- Drama
- 1275 Days2019
- Documentary
- Crime
- North by Current2021
- Documentary