- The Bible: In the Beginning...1966
- Adventure
- History
- Drama
- Iron Sky: The Coming Race2019
- Action
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Thelma2017
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Hells2008
- Action
- Animation
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Genesis: The Creation and the Flood1994
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fantasy
- History
- TV Movie
- The Tragedy of Man2011
- Animation
- Drama
- History
- The Sapphic Evil Within2022
- Horror
- The Serpent's Gift2019
- Thriller
- The Private Lives of Adam and Eve1960
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- The Creation - Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible1988
- Adventure
- Drama
- History
- Animation
- To Err2023
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- The God Complex2009
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Eve2019
- Drama
- Romance
- Last Love2017
- Drama
- Romance
- Music
- Fantasy
- Music
- Micah McCaw: The First Family2021
- Music
- The Original Sin1948
- Comedy
- Declamation2022
- Drama
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Adam and Eve1969
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Hundred Dogs2012
- Drama
- Éden2009
- Drama