- A Nightmare on Elm Street1984
- Horror
- Silent Hill2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- New Nightmare1994
- Horror
- Mystery
- Fantasy
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors1987
- Horror
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master1988
- Horror
- Thriller
- Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare1991
- Horror
- Thriller
- A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child1989
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Day After1983
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Boogeyman2005
- Thriller
- Horror
- Drama
- Mystery
- A Picture of Unhealth2025
- Horror
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- The Ghost of Bobby Fischer2024
- Mystery
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Mirrors1978
- Horror
- Thriller
- Wowzers2019
- Drama
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Proyecciones del Limbo2025
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- HOLGER2024
- Fantasy
- Horror
- The Appointment1983
- Horror
- Confessions Among Actresses1971
- Drama
- Reminiscence2014
- Horror
- Thriller
- Sleepyhead2021
- Horror
- Thriller
- Bed & Breakfast
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Horror