- Snow White2025
- Family
- Fantasy
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs1938
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Family
- Mirror Mirror2012
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Snow White and the Huntsman2012
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Enchanted2007
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Hercules Against the Moon Men1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Alice Through the Looking Glass1987
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Music
- The Twelve Months1956
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Family
- Pip's Predicament: A Pop-Up Adventure2008
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Strings2022
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Triumph of Maciste1961
- Drama
- Action
- Adventure
- Killer Queen2023
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Mystery