- The Last Man on Earth1964
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Thirst2009
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- Vampyr1932
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- The Invisible Man's Revenge1944
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Blood Song1982
- Horror
- Not of This Earth1957
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Mill of the Stone Women1960
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Hôtel du Nord1938
- Romance
- Drama
- Little Annie Rooney1925
- Comedy
- Drama
- Blood of the Vampire1958
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Valley of the Zombies1946
- Horror
- Ensuring Your Place in Hell1990
- Documentary
- Horror
- The Cycle1978
- Drama
- The Slaughter of the Vampires1962
- Horror
- Mystery
- No More God in Doctor2020
- Horror
- Mark of the Dead Man1961
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Wolf Blood1925
- Drama
- Horror
- Chimères2013
- Horror
- Drama
- Romance
- The Love Mad Baroness1970
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Pure Blood1982
- Crime
- Horror