- Greenland2020
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku1990
- Animation
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Superman1978
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- Melancholia2011
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Dark Star1974
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet2020
- Documentary
- Drama
- Star Trek III: The Search for Spock1984
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- An Inconvenient Truth2006
- Documentary
- Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet2021
- Documentary
- The 11th Hour2007
- Documentary
- Drama
- Crime
- An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power2017
- Documentary
- Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress2019
- Documentary
- History
- Ambition2014
- Science Fiction
- History
- Mystery
- Animal2021
- Documentary
- Drama
- A Thirsty World2012
- Documentary
- Drama
- War Between the Planets1966
- Science Fiction
- Die 2050er - Everything will change2022
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Documentary
- Stellar Chronicles2014
- Science Fiction