- Sherlock Holmes2009
- Action
- Adventure
- Crime
- Mystery
- The Da Vinci Code2006
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Halloween II2009
- Horror
- The Omen2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- The Wolf Man1941
- Horror
- Drama
- The House of the Devil2009
- Horror
- Mystery
- Super Hot2021
- Horror
- Comedy
- Ghoulies1985
- Comedy
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Cellar Dweller1988
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Lo2009
- Romance
- Comedy
- Horror
- Chemical Wedding2008
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Occult2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mind, Body & Soul1992
- Thriller
- Horror
- A Holy Place1990
- Horror
- Drama
- Catalina2016
- Horror
- In the Name of Satan1990
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- Horror
- 666 - At Calling Death1993
- Documentary
- Music
- Satanism Unmasked Part 21988
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Comedy
- Below the Trees2018
- Drama
- Horror
- Mystery
- American Exposé: Absence of Light1993
- Documentary
- Crime
- Horror