- Groper's Last Train1978
- Groper Train: Invader (Secret) Operation1979
- Groper Train: Loop Line1979
- Groper Train: Feeling It Since Morning1987
- Groper Train: Start at the Back1987
- Groper Train: Check With Your Finger1987
- Groper Train: Mischief1986
- Groper Train: Interconnected1986
- Groper Train: Danger Signal1986
- Groper Train: Lots of Big Breasts1992
- Groper Train: Commuting Lower Body1992
- Groper Train: Sexual Harassment Fantasy1992
- Groper Train: Mature Woman's Thighs1992
- Groper Train: Let Me Come in the Morning1992
- Groper Train: Ride and Pinch1992
- Groper Train: I'm Wet1992