- Sea Roar1988
- Animation
- Horror
- Continuum1987
- Evolution from Imperfection2023
- Animation
- TRAP by SEO IN GUK2023
- Drama
- grass grows from the middle – thinking like grass2023
- It's Not A Picture, It's A Video.2023
- Documentary
- Midríase2023
- Fantasy
- Horror
- New Life2023
- Documentary
- you don't know JACK like I did.2023
- Comedy
- D Train Through Bensonhurst2022
- Ayo Mama Shoot2022
- Portrait of Melissa2022
- Ocean2022
- Drama
- Holding Space2022
- Documentary
- Autophobia2022
- Horror
- Fantasy
- My Friend Richard2022
- Documentary
- Window of Hell2022
- Sunspots2022
- Mystery
- Blur - Em Busca de Sentidos2022
- Drama
- Scenes from an Island2022
- Music