- How I Taught Myself to Be a Child2019
- Adventure
- Family
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Wizard of Oz1982
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Family
- Adventure
- The Kiss List2023
- Comedy
- Romance
- No Alternative2018
- Drama
- One-Two-Three Now!2016
- Romance
- Drama
- Paranoia2024
- Thriller
- The Wizard of Oz1991
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Animation
- The Hunger Games: Sunrise on the Reaping2026
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- I Wish You All the Best2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Children of Blood and Bone2027
- Action
- Fantasy
- The Witches and the Grinnygog1983
- Fantasy
- Family
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- History
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz1987
- Family
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Alice in Wonderland1986
- Untitled Maze Runner Reboot
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Iron Widow
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Action
- The Selection
- Drama
- Serenáda pre Martinu1976
- Drama
- Suttonský duch1976
- Comedy
- HappyHead
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Romance
- Dante: Beware of the Shark!1978
- Comedy
- Crime
- Drama