- Italiani all'Antartide1970
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Christophe1985
- Documentary
- The North Face of the Camembert1985
- Documentary
- Mister Karim1997
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Little Karim1985
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Nanga Parbat 80, La revanche de futur1980
- Documentary
- Adventure
- K2 Lo Spigolo Nord1984
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Trilogy for One Man1987
- Documentary
- Les Horizons Gagnés1974
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Faces Nord1987
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Troll Wall - The Vertical Mile1981
- Documentary
- Adventure
- The Summit1976
- Adventure
- Drama
- Everest - Sea to Summit1992
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Dhaulagiri2022
- Documentary
- Adventure
- La Montagna di Ilio2021
- Documentary
- Sul Tetto del Mondo - Walter Bonatti e Rossana Podestà2021
- Documentary
- Adventure
- History
- Tackling the World's Highest Peak2020
- Documentary
- The Pathan Project2019
- Documentary
- Dans les pas du Groupe2019
- Adventure
- Documentary
- L'appel de la cave1999