- More Than Work2019
- Documentary
- Trading Happiness2020
- Drama
- You'll Have the Sky: The Life and Work of Anne Morrow Lindbergh2016
- History
- Documentary
- Action
- Comedy
- Kvinnorna på fröken Frimans tid2016
- Documentary
- History
- A Home Fan Match2019
- Drama
- Quand je veux, si je veux !2019
- The Juanas2018
- Documentary
- The Burden of Virginity2008
- Documentary
- Like a Prayer1990
- Documentary
- Kampf um ein Kind1975
- Drama
- Afghan Women1974
- Documentary
- Quand les pouvoirs s'emmêlent2018
- Documentary
- El Jaïda2017
- History
- Horizon2013
- Drama
- Primavera das Mulheres2017
- Documentary
- Wenn Mutti früh zur Arbeit geht2017
- Documentary
- Pink Smoke Over the Vatican2011
- Documentary
- No Woman2015
- Drama
- 75e, elles se souviennent2015
- Documentary