- Lowo Ijo1987
- Horror
- Action
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Family
- Anchoring2020
- Drama
- Nostalgi2020
- Science Fiction
- War
- Drama
- The Last Book2019
- Documentary
- Fortuity2020
- Drama
- Paradies auf Erden1950
- Documentary
- Capri in Tangerang (Her Sneakers)2011
- Documentary
- Sunny Side of the Street2019
- Siti Madosi Gusti2018
- Drama
- The Window2016
- Drama
- Le Soliloque des muets2017
- Documentary
- Berau, sur les traces de Joseph Conrad1994
- Documentary
- Mist of Purple Silk1979
- Drama
- Tropenparadies Bali - Eine Perle Indonesiens2016
- Documentary
- The Moon on the Graveyard1973
- Drama
- Bising: Noise & Experimental Music in Indonesia2014
- Documentary
- Bunga untuk Pejuang
- Drama
- History
- Bunda Reinha - Celebrating 500 Years of Tuan Ma2010
- Documentary
- History
- The Rush That Misses
- Drama