- Lispelgeheim2015
- Adventure
- Pauline2015
- Drama
- Memorial Time2023
- Horror
- Drama
- Kill 'Em All2023
- Drama
- Documentary
- 360° Calmness2013
- Drama
- T!8 (Part 1)2023
- Mystery
- Drama
- Half The Battle2008
- One Second2010
- Romance
- Proust ou les Intermittences du cœur2007
- Music
- Romance
- Justin Time2010
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Family
- Dissonanz
- Drama
- Romance
- Cosmic Clock1979
- Animation
- Time, displaced2023
- Blue Light2023
- Horror
- There Is a Beautiful Birth Place, But...2023
- Documentary
- Rewriting Mallory2023
- Drama
- Somos Lendas2023
- Romance
- Fantasy
- The Time Killer2023
- Comedy
- Crime
- Mais Tarde eu me Atraso2023
- Drama
- The Place After2022
- Drama
- Thriller