- Restless Souls2005
- Horror
- Drama
- Hidup Ini Terlalu Banyak Kamu2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Pantaskah Aku Berhijab2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Then Barbara Met Alan2022
- Drama
- Sweet Release2024
- Drama
- Kept Man2014
- Drama
- Thriller
- Horror
- The Second Bakery Attack2010
- Romance
- Comedy
- Pilotos de la muerte1962
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Crime
- House of 1000 Pleasures1974
- Drama
- Sex and Violence1978
- Horror
- Drama
- Azzamine2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Separation2020
- Horror
- Goldfish2008
- Comedy
- Drama
- Tod einer Schülerin2010
- Drama
- Crime
- The Sandwich2000
- Romance
- Comedy
- Naked Sins2006
- Drama
- Mystery
- Sexes très opposés2002
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- The Hotel of Love Affairs1983
- Comedy
- A Little Sex1982
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Al amor se ha dicho2024
- Romance
- Comedy
- Music