- Sagrada Travesti do Evangelho2024
- Drama
- T2023
- Drama
- Family
- To Laugh, to Sing, Perchance to Cry2024
- Drama
- Soldier Monika2024
- Drama
- Inky Pinky Ponky2024
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Leila2023
- Documentary
- Poison Resort2024
- Drama
- Horror
- I Seek Your Help to Bury a Man2023
- Drama
- History
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Horror
- The Woman of the Century2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Bad Girl Boogey2022
- Horror
- Drama
- Part-Time Killer2022
- Action
- Comedy
- My Transparent Life2022
- Documentary
- Birds Flying Flying Flying Birds Fly Away2024
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Sage2022
- Drama
- Mais Uma Taça2024
- Documentary
- Bust2024
- Drama
- Crime
- to boyhood, i never knew him2022
- Documentary
- AlieNATION2024
- Documentary
- The Robbers2024
- Drama
- After So Long2022
- Music
- Family