- Frankie Starlight1995
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- The Legend of Longwood2014
- Family
- Adventure
- Drama
- Untamed1955
- Adventure
- Drama
- Romance
- The Story of Esther Costello1957
- Drama
- Resurrection Man1998
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- The Fighting Prince of Donegal1966
- Action
- Adventure
- Return of the Islander1970
- Documentary
- The Runway2010
- Drama
- Comedy
- Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom2003
- Comedy
- When Brendan Met Trudy2000
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Run of the Country1995
- Drama
- Romance
- Children of the Revolution2011
- Documentary
- A Wind from the South1955
- Drama
- TV Movie
- The Quare Fellow1962
- Drama
- Fatal Deviation1998
- Action
- School Life2017
- Documentary
- Aerial Ireland2017
- Documentary
- Wings of the Morning1937
- Romance
- Drama
- Beloved Enemy1936
- Drama
- Romance
- Second to None2016
- Animation
- Comedy