- Brass Tacks Punk Documentary1977
- Music
- Documentary
- My Sister1944
- Drama
- Romance
- The Sordid Affair1973
- History
- Animation
- The Moment2018
- Science Fiction
- A Way We Go2017
- Documentary
- Naked Island - Hipster Headdress2017
- Animation
- Drama
- 57 Lawson2016
- Documentary
- Drama
- Happy Endings2014
- Drama
- Crime
- Lintik2013
- Drama
- Documentary
- An Enemy of the People1972
- Drama
- Zoned In2008
- Documentary
- Close to Each Other1957
- Drama
- Henry Moore: London 1940-421963
- Documentary
- Die Brücke: The Birth of Modern Art in Germany1972
- Documentary
- The Inner Harbor1990
- Documentary
- Los taxis1970
- Documentary
- Paper Wheat1979
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Drama
- Music
- The Mikado1987
- Music
- Comedy