- Lunch Meat1987
- Horror
- Drama
- The Horror Vault 32010
- Comedy
- Horror
- The Head Mistress1968
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Drama
- Headless Family2008
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Severed2002
- Horror
- Cold Head1970
- Horror
- Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty2022
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Crime
- Action
- Comedy
- Videovore2021
- Horror
- Decapitato: Consequenze Mortali2020
- Horror
- Saturday Night Slice V2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- Barkley Dubis' Danse Macabre2023
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Playhouse2003
- Comedy
- Horror
- Spasm2022
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Bloodville Massacre2021
- Horror
- Thriller
- Crime
- The Slasher of Idaho
- Horror
- Compañero de viaje1979
- History
- Drama
- Something Evil, Something Dangerous: New Moon Rising2011
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Ultimate Underground Amateur Slaughterfest of Death2020
- Horror
- The Freak Barber1905
- Comedy
- Horror
- Teenage Ghost Girl1984
- Horror
- Comedy