- Sarah Payne: A Mother's Story2017
- TV Movie
- Crime
- Documentary
- Bit Parts2007
- Horror
- Detached2019
- Horror
- The Call2020
- Drama
- The Springs County Psycho2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- La rumeur d'Orléans2019
- Documentary
- God's Eye View2014
- Drama
- The Kidnapping Of Henry2018
- Mystery
- Comedy
- Tim
- Comedy
- Kızgın Güneş1972
- Action
- Adventure
- Crime
- The tree children from Volo1957
- Comedy
- Romance
- How To Survive a Kidnapping2019
- Comedy
- Action
- Thriller
- Smart Justice: The Jayme Closs Case2019
- Documentary
- Sisters For Sale2019
- Documentary
- Trilogy of Death1991
- Horror
- Crime
- Angel in the Dark1991
- Action
- Melody Lane1941
- Music
- Comedy
- Pretty Wet Lips1974
- Crime
- Santa Fe Uprising1946
- Western
- Estigma2018
- Thriller
- Horror