- Luňáci a černí čápi1944
- Documentary
- Pták roháč1945
- Documentary
- Krásná vlast1939
- Documentary
- Píseň léta1940
- Documentary
- Na ptačích horách1949
- Documentary
- Kvítí z Čech1947
- Documentary
- Starý smrk vypravuje1948
- Documentary
- Z ptačího světa1948
- Documentary
- Ostrov kormoránů1946
- Documentary
- The Story of Grand Canyon National Park1991
- Documentary
- Reconnaitre les Rapaces2003
- Documentary
- Reggie's Forest
- Documentary
- Tavaline rästik1978
- Documentary
- Birds from the Gods2004
- Documentary
- woodland
- Seasons in the Sea1990
- Documentary
- The World of Bears with Bugs Bunny1997
- Documentary
- Det var en gång en skog...2005
- Documentary
- Podkarpatská Rus1937
- Documentary
- St. Helens: Out of the Ash1997
- Documentary