- Starcrash1978
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Royal Space Force - The Wings of Honneamise1987
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Leprechaun 4: In Space1997
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Doctor Who1996
- TV Movie
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Battle Beyond the Stars1980
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- SpaceCamp1986
- Family
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Critters 41992
- Comedy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Enemy Mine1985
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Silent Running1972
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- National Geographic: Journey to the Edge of the Universe2008
- Documentary
- Izo2004
- Action
- Drama
- Fantasy
- The Green Slime1968
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Incoming2018
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- The Giant Claw1957
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Destination Moon1950
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds2020
- Documentary
- Virtuality2009
- Science Fiction
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Thriller
- Blood Machines2020
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The Last Man on the Moon2016
- Documentary
- History
- L'Exoconférence2015
- Comedy