- Sunrise/Sunset. Dalai Lama XIV2008
- Documentary
- The Zen Mind2007
- Documentary
- Change2011
- Drama
- Adventures in Silverado1948
- Western
- Merton: A Film Biography1984
- Documentary
- The First Swallow1942
- Animation
- Family
- The Ring of the Buddha2003
- Adventure
- Documentary
- Drama
- Angry Monk - Reflections on Tibet2005
- Documentary
- Monastery2021
- Horror
- Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton
- Documentary
- War
- The Monk2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Healing2014
- Drama
- My Life Is My Message2004
- Documentary
- Luther1968
- History
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Bungle Abbey1981
- Comedy
- Hexameron
- Horror
- A Chant of Silence1973
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Horror
- Mystery
- Ku hai mueng ruay2014
- History
- Documentary
- Drama
- Tales of a Toy Horse2021
- Documentary
- Benjamin2019
- Drama