- Indiana Joai: Elephant Cemetary2003
- Adventure
- Action
- Africa's Super Seven2005
- Documentary
- Vanamala1951
- Adventure
- Taffy and the Jungle Hunter1965
- Adventure
- Family
- Black Beauty2021
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Family
- Being an Elephant2013
- Drama
- The Game of Kings2023
- Comedy
- Family
- Airawat2011
- Drama
- Kimana Tuskers2021
- Documentary
- Giant Slaves2020
- Documentary
- Like a bull in a china shop2017
- Comedy
- Animation
- Battle for the Elephants2013
- Documentary
- How to Poetry Film2020
- Documentary
- Bloody Ivory1978
- Documentary
- Lights and Shades on the Bostock Circus Farm1911
- Documentary
- Charging Back: A Rhino Story1997
- Documentary
- Niok, The Orphan Elephant1957
- Documentary
- E Flat Elephants1965
- Comedy
- Animation
- Mara, el viaje de la elefanta2020
- Documentary
- Africa's Giant Killers2014
- Documentary
- TV Movie